Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christina Aguilera promises a very "honest & raw" album

I think we all know at this point that Chrissy is really looking forward to her comeback to prove to all the haters that she still can do this. It's definitely not easy being a successful recording artist nowadays and it sure as hell has its downsides. Christina is no stranger to those downsides, in fact she had a good share of them over the last couple of years. The massive commercial flop that "Bionic" was, the immense Lady Gaga backlash she got for every step she made, to the breakdown of her marriage, the lyrics-disaster at the Superbowl and the recent critics over her gain of weight. Home girl know's the dark side by know.

When "Bionic" started to tank, and Christina had to battle accusations that she was ripping of Lady Gaga, I already knew that she had to experience all this mess, to create a better body of work for her next album. In fact, it was time for her breakdown if you will. Too long, was her life flaw-free there was nothing exciting about her, nothing to really talk about, her songs didn't have the substance they used to have during her "Stripped-era". So to make it short, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...and gives you a lot of material to write about. I'm really not surprised she went for the more "honest & raw" route, because let's face it, it was the concept of "Stripped" more than a decade ago. That album happens to be her most successful today and in my book a classic.

So this is what she had to say:
“I’m recording my next album right now, and I’m really excited because I find myself in a very introspective stage of my life. I’ve learned so much, have experienced so much, in leaps and bounds. It’s a journey of growth for me, continuously throughout my career. I’m excited to put it all down on paper through my lyrics and my voice as it comes from a very truthful, honest and raw place”.
I don't think she will have the same success, like she had with "Stripped" but definitely no flop like "Bionic. I really accept the fact that she's okay with her weight, but I don't know how she's willing to pull off a song that is called "Love/fuck your body", when people might want to prefer to do that with the lights out.
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