Crystal Kay is a busy woman these days, and first thing she did was apologizing for sucking at vloging. It's all guud Kuri, we're not mad at you gurl. If I would have spent a couple of weeks in NYC, I wouldn't be blogging as well. So you're excused from my side and happy new year to you too. Praise the Lord and all the heavens, I'm genuinely impressed and happy for Crystal at how much Delicous deli, be caring for this woman. It's been what (?) not even a month since "Superman" was available on iTunes and we're already gettin' a new single. As if it wasn't enough, we get a new tour and a fan-club. They want that money printin, I know they want it. Oh and Crystal Kay, in case you be readin' this shit, you got ma money for "Superman" on release day.
Things are moving very fast in comparison to Sony's snooze-fest of a management. Seems like C-Kay is doing just fine. She looks healthy, happy...and damn she's way to humble for her looks. Crystal, you be giving "Beyoncé" and "Janet" a run for their money. You look flawless, never forget that. You're not trying to look good, you simply look good. PERIOD!! Now if you're not following me on twitter after all these compliments, we'll have to have a talk.
I'm really looking forward to this single, and to the tour. So Crystal, get things ready, set and go. I want an album by the end of the year, tops. And this single, be better some good shit, and puh-lease get a new director. Thanks, Bye.