Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beyoncé previews two teasers for "Dance for you"

You'd think a bitch would wait to release all of her videos, during the months when her ass is to fat to get passed a door. But no, that's not how Beyoncé works. If shit is there it's going to be released. As long as she can walk in heels, drop some pelvic thrusts and trash her weave without her water breaking in the process, this woman simply won't stop. In fact her maternity line for the House of Dereon is not even out, but she's already planning a collection dedicated to all things elastic, to make sure all women can pretend to be thin after their pregnancy. Of course she's already signed up with Hollywood's A-list fitness trainers to make sure she can make her own "How to get thin like Beyoncé in 2 months after a pregnancy" fitness program. The slogan will come along with the bottom line: "Only for women that pretended to be pregnant, otherwise it will take you forever."

She released two teasers for Ciara's reject song: "Dance for you". Take a look after the jump:

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Well, I'm beyond caring at this point...I mean I get she wants to stay relevant and she hopes one of these songs might actually score her a #1. (trust me it won't be this one) How are we supposed to be excited when all she does is release stuff...we're only 6 months into 4's album cycle and I'm already fed up.

Bey simply pop that child out, give yourself some rest and try not to steal to much stuff for your next album.

By the way, Britney called she wants her "Femme Fatale" concept back, even though she never got to use it properly for her album...but at this point who gives a shit?

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